Everything about the American legal system can seem intimidating to the layperson, especially one who’s never had experience with the courts before. If you receive a subpoena, especially one relating to delicate circumstances, it could start to feel overwhelming, and you may want to hire a criminal lawyer in Stephenville, TX. Whether you decide to take that route or not, it helps to learn a little bit about subpoenas before you act on it.
A subpoena is a court summons that can order you to appear before a court to provide documents or other evidence. You might only have to bring those documents, you might have to testify in court, or you might have to do both. When you receive the subpoena, it should clearly state what is required of you. If you hire Stephenville, TX, Lawyers, they can explain to you exactly what is covered in your subpoena, and what records the court needs access to.
Difficulties with Subpoenas
If you deliver records to the court, those go into evidence, and if you testify, everything you say will be under oath. That can lead to some tricky situations, unearthing information that could be embarrassing for you, even if it’s not relevant to the matter under investigation. In cases like this, you may wonder what you can do to get out of the subpoena. The first thing to do is always research Stephenville lawyers and hire someone who will go to bat for you. In the meantime, you may not destroy any records that the court wants to see, since that would be a crime. You also need to do everything in your power to comply with the subpoena unless your attorney is able to get you out of it. Sometimes your insurance carrier can help you find an attorney if the subpoena relates to something they cover, so that’s a good place to start looking.
Complying with Subpoenas
Whether you try to fight the subpoena or not, you should never go to trial unless you have a criminal lawyer from Stephenville, TX, with you and ready to advise you. He will help you find any relevant documents or evidence that you need to present, and he can tell you what to expect in the trial, if you’re going to testify in one. The important thing is to always tell the truth as far as you know it. If someone asks you about a detail and you don’t know the answer, just tell them that instead of making something up. You are also not obliged to say anything that will incriminate you.